Relevant Experience

Puan Zuhaida has over 20 years of experience in the Oil & Gas Industry arising from her tenure in PETRONAS. Prior to joining PETRONAS, she was with the assurance division of KPMG KL for 3 years. She had diverse roles in PETRONAS spanning across Finance, Strategic Planning, Business Planning & Performance Management, Strategy, Enterprise Risk, Commercial, Governance and Strategic Relations.


Pn Zuhaida’s roles encompassed the various business units in PETRONAS from Upstream (including Malaysia Petroleum Management), Gas, Downstream and Corporate as well as an international assignment in Australia. 

Whilst in PETRONAS, Pn Zuhaida had a central role towards achieving the Final Investment Decision for the GLNG project in Brisbane, was the strategic focal point for OPEC+ matters, was integral in the early discussions on Malaysia Agreement 1963 matters and played a pivotal role in leading the Downstream Command Centre during the Covid-19 pandemic. She also held directorships in various subsidiaries within PETRONAS Group of Companies.


She is a Fellow of the Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (previously Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia) and graduated from Monash University, Melbourne in 1997.

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Quick Details





Date of Appointment:

1 March 2023


Length of Tenure:

More than 1 year

Membership of Board Committees
  • Banking Group Board Risk & Compliance Committee (BRCC)
  • Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ)
  • Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA)
  • Bachelor of Business Accounting, Monash University, Australia


Areas of Expertise:

  • Finance & Accounting
  • Risk & Governance
  • Business Planning & Performance
  • Strategy & Commercial
  • Strategic Relations & Communication


Directorship / Relevant Appointments


  • Petra Energy Berhad


  • NIL
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