

We believe in creating a nurturing and equitable work environment that prioritises and nurtures the physical and mental well-being of our employees. As a responsible employer, we are committed to providing a safe, fair, and fulfilling work environment that understands their need and desires for, along with facilitating individual development. 


We are vigilant of the changing dynamics of the workforce, and the desire for purpose-driven work. We need to capitalise on emerging trends that drive upskilling and embrace flexibility. We are committed to attracting and nurturing the right talent to future-proof the organisation, offering talent development and retention opportunities to ensure business continuity, and strengthening management-employee relationships to foster a strong corporate culture based on trust and accountability.

Employee Health, Safety & Well-Being​


Our employees’ safety, wellness and well-being remain a top priority. To ensure that the needs of our employees are given equal importance alongside business and client needs, we offer a range of benefits to safeguard and promote their well-being. Our comprehensive benefit offerings include long-term savings for retirement, working-from-home arrangements, physical and mental health coverage, as well as programmes designed to support their financial, social and spiritual well-being.

Wellness Programmes


Physical and Mental Health

  • Health talks and fairs
  • Onsite dentist and clinic
  • Honour-based medical leave
  • Long-term disability insurance
  • Mental health services
  • Workplace stress management

Financial Well-being

  • Savings for retirement beyond regulatory requirement
  • Staff scholarships and sponsorships
  • Employee financing and other banking facilities at preferential rate
  • Interest/profit-free home financing
  • Financial support for single parents
  • Financial support for parents of children with special needs
  • FLEX4ALL: Employees can choose to adjust when they start and finish work, as long as they work the standard number of hours per day
  • Reduced Work Week: Employees work fewer days with reduced workload


Family-friendly Workplace

  • Six-month maternity leave (first-time mothers)
    180 days (26 weeks) of paid maternity leave for the birth of their firstborn child, beyond the minimum legal requirement of 14 weeks

  • Enhanced maternity leave for subsequent children
    Up to 90 days (13 weeks) of extended maternity leave on a half-pay basis and no change to benefits

  • One-month paternity leave (first-time fathers)
    30 days of paid paternity leave for first-time fathers (beyond the minimum regulatory requirement of seven) and five working days paid leave for subsequent children

  • Adoption leave
    Up to 60 days of paid leave for adoptive parents

  • Onsite lactation rooms for breastfeeding mothers

  • Onsite childcare facility


Mental Well-Being​


To provide employees with the right level of support to manage their overall well-being, we continue to drive our mental health programmes. In Malaysia, this is conducted with a professional service partner. The facilities offered include: ​

  • A 24/7 emotional well-being careline and WhatsApp text line, available in English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin​

  • One-on-one remote consultations with professionals of choice, including mental health coaches, dietitians, and career coaches​

  • Digital coaching with a multidisciplinary team of health coaches, including a medical advisor, dietitian, fitness coach, financial planner, executive coach and pharmacist​

  • DASS-21, a clinically validated assessment to measure the current state of emotional well-being and check levels of depression, anxiety or stress​

  • Wellness webinars​

  • Mental health education resources​

Zero Tolerance for Discrimination and Harassment


Observing and upholding proper conduct to achieve a high standard of professionalism, integrity and ethics in the conduct of our business and professional activities by our employees is key to CIMB Group. In accordance with the Group Code of Ethics and Conduct, all employees are expected to act professionally and treat fellow employees with utmost respect.


CIMB Group’s Code of Ethics and Conduct prohibits any form of discrimination, bullying, intimidation or harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment. The Group also expressly prohibits any acts of violence or threats of violence by any employees against any other person in or about the Group’s facilities, or in connection with the conduct of the Group’s business.


We recognise sexual harassment as a form of misconduct which undermines the integrity of the employment relationship. No employee male or female should be subject to unsolicited and unwelcomed sexual advances or conduct, either verbal or physical. Our Sexual Harassment Policy ensures the appropriate disciplinary action is taken against any employees in the event of involvement in sexual harassment at the workplace.


All employees are expected to create and maintain a safe working environment and to speak up and report misconduct. We are committed to resolve any issues that are brought to our attention with regards to any incidents of discriminatory behaviour and harassment, via the Group’s whistleblowing channel or grievance settlement process. Employees in violation of the Code of Ethics & Conduct and related Group policies will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination of service.


Occupational Safety & Health Governance​


To provide employees with the right level of support to manage their overall well-being, we continue to drive our mental health programmes. In Malaysia, this is conducted with a professional service partner. The facilities offered include: ​

  • A 24/7 emotional well-being careline and WhatsApp text line, available in English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin​

  • One-on-one remote consultations with professionals of choice, including mental health coaches, dietitians, and career coaches​

  • Digital coaching with a multidisciplinary team of health coaches, including a medical advisor, dietitian, fitness coach, financial planner, executive coach and pharmacist​

  • DASS-21, a clinically validated assessment to measure the current state of emotional well-being and check levels of depression, anxiety or stress​

  • Wellness webinars​

  • Mental health education resources​

Occupational Safety & Health Governance​


CIMB Group puts the highest priority on the occupational safety and health (OSH) of employees. We strive to minimise or eliminate any potential risks in the workplace that could affect their well-being. We have put in place the Group Occupational Safety and Health Policy, which is endorsed by the Board of Directors. We extend the scope of the policy beyond our employees to include on-site contract workers, vendors, and customers across all our geographical locations. 


The Board of Directors and GCEO oversees the implementation of OSH, including the following main functions: ​

  • Ensuring that there are processes and resources available for the corporate policy to be enacted;​

  • Setting OSH targets and goals for the Group; and​

  • Maintaining control and taking responsibility for providing a proper work environment and ensuring employees perform work safely​

The Head of the OSH Unit is responsible for ensuring compliance with OSH policies and procedures, and their performance appraisal and remuneration are based on meeting OSH targets. The OSH Unit collaborates with representatives from both the employer and employee sides of the OSH Committees, which are derived from various divisions including Human Resources. These representatives provide guidance on OSH implementation to the business units. OSH matters are also escalated to the Board of Directors during their bi-monthly meetings or as and when required. ​

  • Plan Stage: We assess OSH-related risks and opportunities for prioritization​

  • Do Stage: We create action plans with quantitative targets for identified risks and opportunities​

  • Check Stage: We monitor and measure the performance of the action plans against targets​

  • Act Stage: We review and take action for continuous improvement of OSH performance to achieve the intended outcomes​

We have also developed the Group Occupational Safety and Health Procedure. Our OSH Management System includes the following key elements: ​


Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC)​

This sets the necessary process for us to identify OSH risks in the workplace and outline the risk control action plans to address them. The HIRARC process also extends to implementation planning and performance monitoring.​


OSH performance, measurement and monitoring​

This element prioritises and integrates action plans (including those from HIRARC) with quantitative performance targets to address the identified OSH risks.​


Emergency preparedness and response​

This element includes the necessary processes to prepare for emergencies, such as the process for Emergency Response Team (ERT) setup and establishing requirements to ensure the competency of the ERT. We outline specific tasks for different scenarios to integrate emergency preparedness into our OSH Management System. ​


Control of Infectious Diseases​

This element aims to reduce and/or prevent workplace health issues and risks (such as tuberculosis, influenza and COVID-19). We continuously strive towards zero health issues and risks within our workplace.​


OSH Audit and Workplace Safety Inspection​

This element is integrated into our OSH Management System, with inspections by the OSH Committee every quarter. In addition, we are also subjected to yearly Inspections by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Malaysia and our OSH Internal Auditors/​


Incident Reporting and Investigation​

We provide specific guidelines for reporting and investigation of OSH-related incidents (such as work- related injuries, ill health or diseases) as part of our OSH Management System. ​

Ergonomic Management Programme

At CIMB, we prioritise the well-being and comfort of our employees through a comprehensive Ergonomic Management programme. Our commitment to fostering a safe and healthy work environment is reflected in our proactive approach to addressing ergonomic issues. We constantly evaluate our progress in preventing ergonomic-related health issues and associated risks against our requirement.


We have an internal team of Advanced Ergonomic Risk Assessment Trained Personnel, approved by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia. These specialists are equipped to respond to any ergonomic concerns raised by our staff, ensuring timely and effective solutions.


In our recent initiatives, we conducted detailed Ergonomic Risk Assessments for eight staff members across various head office buildings. These assessments addressed issues such as back pain and slipped discs. Based on the comprehensive reports, we implemented control measures and provided ergonomic equipment to the affected staff, helping them adjust and alleviate their discomfort.


Additionally, we have conducted Ergonomic Self-Assessments for all staff at Wisma CIMB and 18 branches in Selangor. These self-assessments have been instrumental in identifying the primary ergonomic issues faced by our employees. Using this valuable data, we developed a targeted plan to address and mitigate these issues.


We are also committed to raising awareness about ergonomic practices. Our e-newsletter regularly features articles and tips on ergonomic topics, keeping our staff informed and engaged.


Recently, we appointed an Ergonomist to assess the standard office chairs used in our workplaces. The results of this assessment will guide us in determining the suitability of our office setup and identifying necessary improvements to enhance our employees' comfort and productivity.


At CIMB, we believe that a well-designed ergonomic environment is essential for the health and efficiency of our workforce. We will continue to invest in and refine our ergonomic management practices to ensure the well-being of our employees.

Labour Rights & Freedom of Association​


CIMB Group respects our employees’ rights as workers, including their freedom of association and collective bargaining. A total of 37% of employees Group-wide are covered under employee unions. ​

Organizational Health Index (OHI) 


We conduct an annual Organizational Health Index (OHI) survey to measure and improve the effectiveness of our internal practices and the engagement levels of our employees. In 2020, we changed the way we measure our organisational health beyond employee engagement levels, and adopted the OHI tool in place of the Employee Engagement Survey tool that we had been using previously. The OHI survey is an instrument built to measure nine organisational outcomes, including in terms of employee motivation, leadership, work environment, culture and internal capabilities


  • Direction: The extent to which employees understand the organisation's strategy and goals
  • Leadership: The effectiveness of leaders in driving organisational performance and engaging employees
  • Culture and Climate: The extent to which employees feel supported and valued, and the level of collaboration and trust within the organisation
  • Accountability: The degree to which employees take responsibility for their actions and performance, and the level of clarity around roles and responsibilities
  • Coordination and Control: The effectiveness of processes and systems for managing resources, and the level of alignment and consistency across the organisation
  • Innovation: The extent to which the organisation encourages and fosters innovation and creativity
  • External: Orientation The organisation's ability to respond to changes in the external environment and anticipate future trends and challenges
  • Capabilities: The organisation's ability to develop and leverage its capabilities and expertise to drive performance and growth
  • Capacity: The extent to which the organisation has the resources and infrastructure to support its goals and objectives


The nine organisational outcomes are represented by 37 management practices. Employees across the Group respond to each question on a 5-point rating scale (1: Strongly Disagree; 5: Strongly Agree).


Respondents are asked to rate their level of agreement with a series of statements related to each dimension. The scores for each dimension are then aggregated to generate an overall score for the organisation's health.


The overall score is a composite measure of an organisation's health, based on the scores for each of the nine dimensions. The overall score ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better organisational health.


The score can be generally described as follows:

  • 0-20 indicates that the organisation is in critical condition and requires immediate attention to address the areas of weakness. 
  • 20-40 indicates that the organisation is below average and needs significant improvement across several dimensions. 
  • 40-60 indicates that the organisation is average and has strengths and weaknesses across the different dimensions. 
  • 60-80 indicates that the organisation is above average and has several strengths, but still has room for improvement in some areas. 
  • 80-100 indicates that the organisation is excellent and has strong overall health, with best practices and strengths across multiple dimensions.


The score provides a comprehensive and objective assessment of an organisation's health, and in CIMB, we use it to identify areas of strength and weakness, prioritise improvement efforts, and track progress over time.

Year Score  


Third Quartile



Third Quartile



Second Quartile



Top Quartile


Everything We Do At CIMB Group As Underpinned By Our EPICC Values:​

Performance Management​


The Group’s performance is determined in accordance with balanced scorecard principles, and includes key measures on profitability, capital, customer experience, medium to long-term strategic initiatives, sustainability  performance and initiatives, as well as risk, audit and compliance. The Group’s key measures are cascaded to the collective scorecards of business units and enabler functions accordingly and subsequently to individual goals. ​

Employee Compensation​


CIMB’s remuneration programmes are governed by the Group Remuneration Policy, which provides guiding principles in relation to the design and management of CIMB’s remuneration programmes. The three key principles of CIMB’s Remuneration Policy are:​

  • Strong governance: ensure strong and independent oversight of the remuneration system​

  • Appropriate assessment of performance: support a performance-based culture which promotes prudent risk-taking and long-term sustainability​

  • Market competitiveness: offer rewards that allow CIMB to attract, motivate and retain the right talent​

Talent & Leadership Development​


Talent and leadership development are critical for our long-term value. Investing in employee growth and advancement enhances their performance, fosters employee retention, and helps to build a pipeline of skilled and experienced leaders.​

We launched the CIMB Signature Leadership series of programmes tailored to employees at various stages of their CIMB journey, including those at senior, middle, and junior management grades. These 12 to 18-month programmes offer a balance of leadership and technical upskilling, prioritising hands-on experiential learning through industry immersion, study tours and group coaching. We currently partner with the International Institute for Management Development, Melbourne Business School, Global Institute for Tomorrow and Asia School of Business.

Building A Strong Talent Pipeline​


CIMB has a holistic, effective and efficient programmes to manage talent attraction, growth, and retention that enables business continuity, productivity, performance, and competitiveness in the long term. ​

We provide opportunities for fresh graduates and young talents to develop skills and acquire industry experience through our flagship graduate talent programme, The Complete Banker (TCB). In addition we provide opportunities industry experience in specific tracks though the TCB – Sustainability, TCB – Fusion and the CIMB Sustainability Fellowship programmes.

Employee Development Programmes


Digital Upskilling

The Digital and Data Academy at CIMB Bank contributes to CIMB's ability to achieve a higher Net Promoter Score (NPS), a critical KPI for measuring brand strength, especially as digital and online channels dominate customer transactions. This business benefit can be achieved through comprehensive training in digital, design, and data skills. For example, employees are equipped with the skills needed to innovate and optimise customer journeys, which was a key transformation program for CIMB Group. Programs like Design Thinking enable staff to redesign customer journeys by digitising the process, reducing unnecessary friction, making it shorter, more efficient, user-friendly, and as a result enhancing customer satisfaction. Additionally, by focusing on analytics and digital transformation, the Academy helps employees reengineer processes to streamline operations, reduce costs, and minimise wastage by reducing manual efforts, human error, and producing reliable business insights to facilitate decision-making.



Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership

The collaboration with the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership has been pivotal in equipping CIMB's Business and Risk personnel with the knowledge and skills to drive the achievement of our sustainable finance targets. In particular the program enhanced the ability of our relationship managers to engage confidently with clients about their decarbonisation plans and offer tailored finance solutions. As a result of the programme the attendees are better able to integrate sustainability principles into our business operations, and we are now better positioned to achieve our RM100 billion Green, Social, Sustainable Impact Products and Services (GSSIPS) finance target by 2024