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"The journey through 2023 has been marked by resilience and proactive engagement for CIMB Group. Amidst the headwinds of a global economic slowdown, heightened by regional unrest and the ripple effects of inflation, we have stood firm in our commitment to sustainability."
Launched our Sustainability-Linked Financing programme for SMEs in Malaysia, which provides financial incentives to encourage their sustainability disclosures and improve sustainability performance
Set and published a science-based decarbonisation strategy for Palm Oil and Power
Increased our sustainable finance target to RM100 billion
Mobilised RM32.4 billion in sustainable finance to support our clients in their journey towards a low-carbon and sustainable economy
Set targets to improve the financial health of prioritised groups in Malaysia
Remained at the top quartile (88th percentile) of the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA)
Achieved reduction of 35% in Scope 1 and 26% in Scope 2 (market-based) GHG emissions against the 2019 baseline
Achieved net zero for Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions for CIMB’s operations in Singapore
Improved Organizational Health Index score to 83% in 2023 from 77% in 2022
Launched CIMB Signature Leadership programmes for mission-critical positions, senior position successors, emerging leaders and junior leaders